

New Release! (Romantic Trunk)

Hi there,

** terra ** Romantic trunk arrived today!

** terra ** Romantic Trunk


Fore Play



in world price is 1500L$ 

But you can get is as 99 L$ on MarketPlace now!

** terra ** Market Place

- Based on the XPOSE 4.0 System.
11 Menus
33 Poses
66 Animations
1 Give Item

3 prims

- Menu
Hug & Kiss (9 menus)
Foreplay (9 menus)
Sex1 (9 menus)
Sex2 (6 menus)

- Mod / no Copy / Transfer

If you have any questions, drop note   card please.

Have fun xx

sara Alex

Furniture Store ** terra ** (setting up a demo)


Hi there,

We started to sell pose balls(only couple). 
40 L$ each and Mod / Copy / No Transfer. 

Come over main shop!! 



We joined to MHOH6.

Our hunt gift is 2 kind of pose balls.

** terra ** Lay pose

** terra ** Pin-Up pose
Actually  included a cushion in Pin-Up pose. 

 And a bit changed male pose too :P
 His right hand is touching her naughty ass!! Don't you think this new pose is better...? :P 

Anyway, Good Luck!!

Furniture Store ** terra **
sara Alex


VIP Group re-opened

Hi there,

We made ** terra ** VIP Group. 

This is our VIP contents.

** terra ** has invited you to join a group.

To join this group, you will have to pay  a signup fee of L$250. (One-time cost of L$250.)

-- Specific Benefits --

1. You can access "** terra ** 's VIP Skybox".

2. We offer special discounts at ** terra **'s VIP Skybox. Always 30 off there.

3. We give VIP Members my group gift and Midnight Mania items(passed item) as 1 L$.

You have to wear your group tag during to stay VIP SKYBOX. Because the vendors are "Group Vendor". If you take off the tag, the VIP Skybox will eject you. Be careful ;) 

If you have any question, please let me know that. 

Thank you

18 July 2011

sara Alex

Group Joiner